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Create smooth and scalable online and LAN multiplayer games easily.

PyGaSe, or Python Game Server, is a library (or framework, whichever term you prefer) that provides a complete set of high-level components for real-time networking for games.

As a user of this library you will only need classes and functions directly imported from pygase:

# For clients:
from pygase import Client

# For backends:
from pygase import GameState, GameStateStore, GameStateMachine, Server
# Not necessary but might come in handy:
from pygase import get_availabe_ip_addresses


GameState(self, time_order:int=0, game_status:int=0, **kwargs)

Customize a serializable game state model.

Contains game state information that will be synchronized between the server and the clients. Via pygase.utils.Sendable its instances will be serialized using the msgpack protocol and must only contain attributes of type str, bytes, Sqn, int, float, bool as well as lists or tuples of such.


  • time_order (int): current time order number of the game state, higher means more recent
  • game_status (int): GameStatus enum value that describes whether or not the game loop is running

Provide custom game state attributes via keyword arguments or assign them later.


  • game_status (int): see constructor argument of same name
  • time_order (pygase.utils.Sqn): see constructor argument of same name

GameState instances mainly consist of custom attributes that make up the game state.


GameState.is_paused(self) -> bool

Return True if game is paused.


Backend(self, initial_game_state:pygase.gamestate.GameState, time_step_function, event_handlers:dict=None)

Easily create a fully integrated PyGaSe backend.


  • initial_game_state (GameState): state of the game before the simulation begins
  • time_step_function (callable): function that takes a game state and a time difference and returns a dict of updated game state attributes (see GameStateMachine.time_step())
  • event_handlers (dict): a dict with event types as keys and event handler functions as values


  • game_state_store (GameStateStore): the backends game state repository
  • game_state_machine (GameStateMachine): logic component that runs the game loop
  • server (Server): handles connections to PyGaSe clients


# Run a game loop that continuously increments `foo` with velocity `bar`.
    initial_gamestate=GameState(foo=0.0, bar=0.5),
    time_step_function=lambda game_state, dt: {foo: +*dt},
    # Handle client events to reset `foo` and set a new `bar` value.
        "RESET_FOO": lambda game_state, dt: {foo: 0.0},
        "SET_BAR": lambda new_bar, game_state, dt: {bar: new_bar}
).run(hostname="localhost", port=8080)

run, hostname:str, port:int)

Run state machine and server and bind the server to a given address.


  • hostname (str): hostname or IPv4 address the server will be bound to
  • port (int): port number the server will be bound to



Shut down server and stop game loop.


GameStateStore(self, initial_game_state:pygase.gamestate.GameState=None)

Provide access to a game state and manage state updates.


  • inital_game_state (GameState): state of the game before the simulation begins


  • TypeError: if 'initial_game_state' is not an instance of GameState


GameStateStore.get_update_cache(self) -> list

Return the latest state updates.


GameStateStore.get_game_state(self) -> pygase.gamestate.GameState

Return the current game state.


GameStateStore.push_update(self, update:pygase.gamestate.GameStateUpdate) -> None

Push a new state update to the update cache.

This method will usually be called by whatever is progressing the game state, usually a GameStateMachine.


GameStateMachine(self, game_state_store:pygase.backend.GameStateStore)

Run a simulation that propagates the game state.

A GameStateMachine progresses a game state through time, applying all game simulation logic. This class is meant either as a base class from which you inherit and implement the GameStateMachine.time_step() method, or you assign an implementation after instantiation.


  • game_state_store (GameStateStore): part of the PyGaSe backend that provides the state


  • game_time (float): duration the game has been running in seconds


GameStateMachine.register_event_handler(self, event_type:str, event_handler_function) -> None

Register an event handler for a specific event type.

For event handlers to have any effect, the events have to be wired from a Server to the GameStateMachine via the event_wire argument of the method.


  • event_type (str): which type of event to link the handler function to
  • handler_func (callable, coroutine): function or coroutine to be invoked for events of the given type

In addition to the event data, a GameStateMachine handler function gets passed the following keyword arguments

  • - game_state: game state at the time of the event
  • - dt: time since the last time step
  • - client_address: client which sent the event that is being handled

It is expected to return an update dict like the time_step method.


GameStateMachine.run_game_loop(self, interval:float=0.02) -> None

Simulate the game world.

This function blocks as it continously progresses the game state through time but it can also be spawned as a coroutine or in a thread via Server.run_game_loop_in_thread(). As long as the simulation is running, the game_state.status will be GameStatus.get('Active').


  • interval (float): (minimum) duration in seconds between consecutive time steps


GameStateMachine.run_game_loop_in_thread(self, interval:float=0.02) -> threading.Thread

Simulate the game in a seperate thread.

See GameStateMachine.run_game_loop().


threading.Thread: the thread the game loop runs in


GameStateMachine.stop(self, timeout:float=1.0) -> bool

Pause the game simulation.

This sets self.status to Gamestatus.get('Paused'). This method can also be spawned as a coroutine. A subsequent call of GameStateMachine.run_game_loop() will resume the simulation at the point where it was stopped.


  • timeout (float): time in seconds to wait for the simulation to stop


bool: wether or not the simulation was successfully stopped


GameStateMachine.time_step(self, game_state:pygase.gamestate.GameState, dt:float) -> dict

Calculate a game state update.

This method should be implemented to return a dict with all the updated state attributes.


  • game_state (GameState): the state of the game prior to the time step
  • dt (float): time in seconds since the last time step, use it to simulate at a consistent speed


dict: updated game state attributes


Server(self, game_state_store:pygase.backend.GameStateStore)

Listen to clients and orchestrate the flow of events and state updates.

The Server instance does not contain game logic or state, it is only responsible for connections to clients. The state is provided by a GameStateStore and game logic by a GameStateMachine.


  • game_state_store (GameStateStore): part of the backend that provides an interface to the pygase.GameState


  • connections (list): contains each clients address as a key leading to the corresponding pygase.connection.ServerConnection instance
  • host_client (tuple): address of the host client (who has permission to shutdown the server), if there is any
  • game_state_store (GameStateStore): game state repository


  • hostname (str): read-only access to the servers hostname
  • port (int): read-only access to the servers port number


Get the hostname or IP address on which the server listens.

Returns None when the server is not running.


Get the port number on which the server listens.

Returns None when the server is not running.

run, port:int=0, hostname:str='localhost', event_wire=None) -> None

Start the server under a specified address.

This is a blocking function but can also be spawned as a coroutine or in a thread via Server.run_in_thread().


  • port (int): port number the server will be bound to, default will be an available port chosen by the computers network controller
  • hostname (str): hostname or IP address the server will be bound to. Defaults to 'localhost'.
  • event_wire (GameStateMachine): object to which events are to be repeated (has to implement a _push_event(event) method and is typically a GameStateMachine)


Server.run_in_thread(self, port:int=0, hostname:str='localhost', event_wire=None, daemon=True) -> threading.Thread

Start the server in a seperate thread.



threading.Thread: the thread the server loop runs in


Server.shutdown(self) -> None

Shut down the server.

The server can be restarted via in which case it will remember previous connections. This method can also be spawned as a coroutine.


Server.dispatch_event(self, event_type:str, *args, target_client='all', retries:int=0, ack_callback=None, **kwargs) -> None

Send an event to one or all clients.


  • event_type (str): identifies the event and links it to a handler
  • target_client (tuple, str): either 'all' for an event broadcast, or a clients address as a tuple
  • retries (int): number of times the event is to be resent in case it times out
  • ack_callback (callable, coroutine): will be executed after the event was received and be passed a reference to the corresponding pygase.connection.ServerConnection instance

Additional positional and keyword arguments will be sent as event data and passed to the clients handler function.


Server.register_event_handler(self, event_type:str, event_handler_function) -> None

Register an event handler for a specific event type.


  • event_type (str): event type to link the handler function to
  • handler_func (callable, coroutine): will be called for received events of the given type



Exchange events with a PyGaSe server and access a synchronized game state.


  • connection (pygase.connection.ClientConnection): object that contains all networking information


from time import sleep
# Connect a client to the server from the Backend code example
client = Client()
client.connect_in_thread(hostname="localhost", port=8080)
# Increase `bar` five times, then reset `foo`
for i in range(5):
    client.dispatch_event("SET_BAR", new_bar=i)


Client.connect(self, port:int, hostname:str='localhost') -> None

Open a connection to a PyGaSe server.

This is a blocking function but can also be spawned as a coroutine or in a thread via Client.connect_in_thread().


  • port (int): port number of the server to which to connect
  • hostname (str): hostname or IPv4 address of the server to which to connect


Client.connect_in_thread(self, port:int, hostname:str='localhost') -> threading.Thread

Open a connection in a seperate thread.

See Client.connect().


threading.Thread: the thread the client loop runs in


Client.disconnect(self, shutdown_server:bool=False) -> None

Close the client connection.

This method can also be spawned as a coroutine.


  • shutdown_server (bool): wether or not the server should be shut down (only has an effect if the client has host permissions)



Return a context manager to access the shared game state.

Can be used in a with block to lock the synchronized game_state while working with it.


with client.access_game_state() as game_state:


Client.wait_until(self, game_state_condition, timeout:float=1.0) -> None

Block until a condition on the game state is satisfied.


  • game_state_condition (callable): function that takes a pygase.GameState instance and returns a bool
  • timeout (float): time in seconds after which to raise a TimeoutError


  • TimeoutError: if the condition is not met after timeout seconds


Client.try_to(self, function, timeout:float=1.0)

Execute a function using game state attributes that might not yet exist.

This method repeatedly tries to execute function(game_state), ignoring KeyError exceptions, until it either works or times out.


  • function (callable): function that takes a pygase.GameState instance and returns anything
  • timeout (float): time in seconds after which to raise a TimeoutError


any: whatever function(game_state) returns


  • TimeoutError: if the function doesn't run through after timeout seconds


Client.dispatch_event(self, event_type:str, *args, retries:int=0, ack_callback=None, **kwargs) -> None

Send an event to the server.


  • event_type (str): event type identifier that links to a handler
  • retries (int): number of times the event is to be resent in case it times out
  • ack_callback (callable, coroutine): will be invoked after the event was received

Additional positional and keyword arguments will be sent as event data and passed to the handler function.

ack_callback should not perform any long-running blocking operations (say a while True loop), as that will block the connections asynchronous event loop. Use a coroutine instead, with appropriately placed awaits.


Client.register_event_handler(self, event_type:str, event_handler_function) -> None

Register an event handler for a specific event type.


  • event_type (str): event type to link the handler function to
  • handler_func (callable, coroutine): will be called for events of the given type


get_available_ip_addresses() -> list

Return a list of all locally available IPv4 addresses.